our discussion starts into the wide array of health and nutrition, our first
focus will be to select a right person or professionals or personnel concerning
with nutritional science which is a mainstay for achieving good health and help
us in protecting ourselves from various diseases. These diseases are most often
associated with inappropriate lifestyle like diabetes, hypertension etc. The
main focus of these professionals is to reveal facts about the type of nutrition
or diet depending on our body, nature of
occupation or work, deportment and other factor concerned with our daily
routine work. The main factor under consideration is the type of food that one
is habituated with. Now good nutrition and proper diet is one of the important
consideration for achieving good health along with other factors like our daily
routine physical activity, our behavior and many more. These are the persons or
professionals who advices and guide us so that we can take care of our
nutrition and health in a right and appropriate manner and continue it by ourselves.
The main focus of these professionals or
person is to unfold the mystery of nutrition and help us in reaching up a magic
of good nutrition and throwing off the bad nutrition from our diet chart in
order to attain good health. These professional or persons are named as nutritionist or dietitians or diet
experts.. At the end of this write up
one will clearly establishes the roles and functions of dietitians or
nutritionists as well as the importance of taking balance diet combining with
regular exercises in our life and preventing ourselves from various diseases.What is nutrition Science?

Before we move further in our journey of nutritionist it is important to
realize that you should have a brief knowledge of nutritional sciences under
which these professionals gets training to guide or instruct us regarding
consuming proper diet and other element concerned with this. Thus the
nutritional science are elucidated

“Nutritional Science is the study of the effects of food components on
the metabolism, health, performance and disease resistance of human and
animals. It also includes the study of human behaviors related to food
choices.” Today,
we define. Nutritional science is the investigation of how an organism is
nourished, and incorporates the study of how nourishment affects personal
health, population health, and planetary health. Nutritional science covers a
wide spectrum of disciplines. As a result, nutritional scientists can
specialize in particular aspects of nutrition such as biology, physiology,
immunology, biochemistry, education, psychology, sustainability, and sociology Now emphasizing on
the word food components which is a
cornerstone of our overall health and behavior. Food components are the ingredients
that we include in our daily diet. These components are termed as nutrients. Nutrients are well connected
with nutrition. The word nutrition first appeared in 1551 and comes from
the Latin word nutrire, meaning “to nourish.”Nutrition is defined as a consumption of food, pondered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Nutrition can also be
defined “as the sum of all processes
involved in how organisms obtain nutrients, metabolize them, and use them to
support all of life’s processes.” Amongest nutrients there are good and bad nutrients Now what does a good and bad nutrition
mean. Good
nutrition are the nutrients that provide strength to fight against diseases prevailing
in nearby habitat or to enhance our psychological as well as physical function.
Whereas bad nutrients have an undesirable and harmful effect on the body. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility
to disease, impaired physical and mental
development and reduced productivity. This
is a brief description about good and bad health but as proper definition is
concern the meaning of good nutrition varies from person to person. According
to some less sugary food is considered as good nutrition
while for others food having rich source
of fruits and vegetables are
included under good nutrition. But actually a good nutrition is defined as “an adequate, well balanced diet combined
with regular physical activity” as per described by the nutritionist. Good
health can also be enumerated as “a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” as formulated by WHO in 1948. So

Major Food Components
Major Food Components comprises of carbohydrate, proteins, Vitamins, Fat, minerals and some trace elements. As these components are indispensible part of
our life i.e we cant survive without these ingredients that we called as balanced diet. so it is again essential
that one should have an clear brief idea regarding their functions or role
in normal daily body functioning like
movement, growth and many others and how they help us in protecting against
diseases. Particular diseases with distinguishable signs and symptoms are seen
with person suffering from deficiency of any of that respective food components
mentioned above. Therefore, It is also equally essential to have a bit
knowledge about these particular deficiency diseases.
Carbohydrate – One of
the major food component widely distributed in our body having an important structural and metabolic roles. Glucose the most important dietary
carbohydrate are a main source of energy as it is easily absorbed in
bloodstream and provide energy in
the form of ATP. Maltose, fructose, sucrose, glycogen (important role in plants) are
other forms of carbohydrate having specific role in our body. Diseases
associated with carbohydrate due to abnormal metabolism can be summarized as:
§ Diabetes
Mellitus ( Most common disease
causes due to abnormal or high sugar level I.e glucose)
§ Galactosemia
§ Various
glycogen storage diseases
Lactose intolerance
Proteins – Proteins are the physically and functionally complex macromolecule
containing nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon
and small amount of sulphur and has
a wide role in our body. The main function of protein in our body is to provide
support, maintaining structural integrity
fo the body, helps in providing oxygen to cell in the form of hemoglobin,
constitute enzymes which catalyze or control various desirable reaction
required for normal digestion in our body. Normal requirement of protein is 1gm
for each kg of body weight. In conditions like pregnancy, lactation, infancy,
childhood requires increased quantity of protein.
Diseases of protein are
Marasmas (Due to protein deficiency in adults especially in febrile illness,
massive burn etc)
Kwashiorkor (Due to protein deficiency in children especially child
taking low protein diet)
Amyloidosis (Due to deposit of abnormal proteinaceous deposit)
Vitamins – Vitamins
are the organic substance not
synthesized by the body and also essential for survival and normal growth.
They are either fat or water soluble.
soluble Vitamins are enumerated
as -
Vitamin A – Vitamin A is necessary for normal eye vision. Its deficiency causes night blindness,
xerophthalmia, keratomalacia
Vitamin D – Vitamin D is essential for normal growth and function of bone. Its deficiency causes rickets (causing deformity of bone in
children), osteomalacia (Adult
Vitamin E - These are known for
its antioxidant properties and thus
helps in preventing ageing of skin.
Dietary vitamin E deficiency does not occur. Thus its deficiency is only seen
in severe and chronic diseases like celiac
disease, after resection of small intestine.
Soluble Vitamins are briefed as –
Vitamin K
or Koagulation vitamin - As the name suggest it helps in regulation
of level of factor VII, IX, X and
therefore actively involved in extrinsic
and intrinsic coagulation. Its
deficiency causes hypoprothombinemia
Vitamin C - Vitamin C is an important ingredient in our foodstuff as
it act as an antioxidant, facilitates
iron uptake in intestinal tract and in number of metabolic process. Its deficiency results in disease scurvy
Vitamin B Complex – Vitamin B
complex comprises of many well characterized
vitamin like thiamine (vitamin B1),
Niacin, Riboflavin (vitamin B2). They are needed for normal functioning of almost all the cells. Their deficiency causes glossitis in tongue, pellagra (characterized by rough skin) .
Fat or Lipid – Fat or lipids are concerned with
assimilation, utilization, replacement and synthesis of fatty acids. Their
deficiency causes gaucher’s disease
(lysosomal storage disorder).
Minerals - Minerals include calcium,
phosphorous and magnesium. They
play a important role in formation of bone teeth, maintenance of
skeletal structure etc. Their deficiency causes osteoporosis (deficiency of calcium), tetany etc.
Trace Elements – It
include iodine, copper, iron, zinc
etc. They help in formation of thyroid
hormone (Iodine), normal erythropoiesis and many more. Their deficiency
leads to goiter (deficiency of iodine),
anemia (copper deficiency) etc.
Who is nutritionist
enumerating the list included in major food components and its diseases. it
should also be realised that the the requirement of these major component vary
from individual to individual. It is
also appropriate to know What is good nutrition and what is bad that has to be
excluded from the diet. How good and bad nutrition affect and influences physical
and mental well being of humans. Now all these dubiety are answered well by
only one concerned person that is Nutritionist.
or Dietitians or Diet Experts. Thus nutritionist is defined as “registered nutritionist
is the qualified health professionals or personnel that analyze, diagnose and
treat dietary and nutritional problems at both individual and public health
level.” They work on both healthy and sick person.
Many person find it difficult to choose the right person to seek help and
advice concerning with diet. Also, many nutritionists claim to be experts in
nutrition although having a very limited knowledge and offer minimal or no
protection to the public and individual. This leaflet helps in clearing the
droughts at individual as well as mass public level.

Basic Qualification of
They belong to the voluntary
self regulated professional register,
UKVRN, held at present by the AfN and entitled as “Registered Nutritionist.”
Although their title is not
protected by law yet their role in preventing various ailments cannot be denied.
From where their
organization are regulated
voluntary regulation are regulated by the Complementary
and Natural Healthcare Council
(CNHC). This is self-regulated
and not independently regulated.
can you check that nutritionist hired by you is registered or not
are not eligible to register in either UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists
(UKVRN) or the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). Nutritional therapists or nutritionist are registered in
the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. This may be checked at
What actually these registered nutritionist
does in healthy persons
healthy person they are meant to guide to modify the diet that is appropriate
for respective person so as to balance their biochemical imbalance. It also
helps in assessing and preventing the risk of particular disease at a very
initial level due to their bad lifestyle.
What treatment they offer in sick patients
sick patient they first analyze the root
cause of disease by proper history taking regarding their habitual diet, their nature of job as
well as their daily routine etc.
Based on these, their ailment can be diagnosed and should plan their treatment
accordingly. Follow up are also
equally important in these patients.
offer treatment like high dose vitamins, detox, and food avoidance etc depending on type of
ailment and
Where do they work
visit individuals on private basis
who wants to opt for alternative/complementary
the end of this article now we realize the importance of these professionals.
Nutrition is a common term which almost everyone is familiar with. But what
actually the nutrition and what is considered as good nutrition is a bit
complicated or confusing for many. Here lies a importance of these nutritionist
who analyze, diagnose and treat the concerned disease. Although this article
dealt with all the required information still it is advisable to be careful in
hiring or considering advice from nutritionist. Also it is advisable to go
through the concerned person you are considering to take advice from about
their background and should have desired appropriate qualification. Once you
are satisfied with all these issues and confirmed that they are eligible for
being your consultant then go ahead. After all good health should be our
priority and fundamental right also.