Friday, 26 August 2016

Countries facing the greatest shortage of skills

Countries facing the greatest shortage of skills

According to recent data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
several countries are have difficulty finding qualified employees, given the rapid technological advances and the digitization of the workplace. Increasingly, it is becoming difficult for workers to match the skills required by the employers for a given job.

Among those countries, 81% of employers in Japan, India and Brazil are finding it particularly difficult to hire suitable employees with apt skill sets. The survey revealed that 45% of workers in most countries believed that they lacked the required skills which would empower them to effectively perform their job. 3 out of 10 workers agreed that they were equipped for the job and that they could handle more work pressure or perform on more demanding tasks. About 40% of employers globally complained that they were facing challenges in hiring the right talent.

In a fast-paced digital world where technology is transforming seamlessly and computers are getting smarter and more efficient than humans, it is critical for humans to constantly work on honing their skills, especially in the areas of critical thinking and creativity, to ensure that they remain highly employable. 
In the near future, or a few years from now, a large percentage of skills considered important as on today will most likely be redundant or of lesser value. In 2015, skills such as complex problem solving, people management, quality control, active listening and negotiation were considered critical skills to possess. This order may change five years down the line or an entirely different set of skills may be required of an employee.

This list of countries running short on required skills is in ascending order.

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